Elements - April 2023
Joe Clay | Jun 2, 2023
Here is what is available for April's elements on Patreon or directly via Gumroad.
After Effects
- Flippa script: flips layer order of selected layers (best to assign to a keyboard shorcut)
- Enumerate script: batch numbers project panel items
- Console: thumbnail look (shown above)
Cinema 4D
- Chainmail: dynamic chainmail example (shown below)
- Linked Noise: setup to link displacement from one object to another
- Paper Strips: response to a patron question about this setup (shown below)
- Photo Swap: rig to take a photo grid and shift the UVs to show individual photos
- Stitching: rig for a 3D embroidery effect (shown below)
- Texturing Example: experiment to build tire tracks in sand using Redshift shaders
Plus all of the necessary assets
Become a Patron
If you'd like to help support Workbench, check out our Patreon page. For $5 a month, you get access to all of the tutorial project files we've made available as well as other monthly projects, rigs, R&D, elements, early product previews, and BTS content not available anywhere else!