Tutorial 59: Shape Expressions

Joe Clay | Feb 24, 2017

Update: Barry McWilliams sent us a project file that lets you add circles from the outside, as well as the inside. Download it and check it out! Big thanks to Barry!

I was watching a cool tutorial about tapering a stroke since I've seen that technique around and I was wondering how people were accomplishing it. And of course, as I usually do, I found something that can be used elsewhere to great effect.

I always figured people tapered strokes with similar expressions, but the propertyGroup function was one I was unfamiliar with on the expression side (I've used similar techniques in scripts). Anyway, using that you can find out indexes for various shape elements, which means you can sort of construct your own repeater, using other properties. So now you can do something I've wanted to do for a while—concentric rings in a single shape layer with the same gaps and strokes.

So watch this and watch the School of Motion tapering a stroke tutorial. There are worse ways to spend your time!

Grab the Project Files

Feel free to download the project file that you can use in your own projects!

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