Tutorial 11: Color Shader Tricks

Severo Ojea | Apr 8, 2016

Hi, I'm Severo. Joe and I work together a lot. I joined Workbench to help give back to the community too, so I'll be doing C4D tutorials. Like our AE tutorials, I plan on making quick tutorials about cool techniques that I discover while I'm working. I don't plan on making lengthy how to videos, just short, quick tips and tricks and the thought process behind them. I'm excited to share knowledge that I've learned along the way.

In this tutorial I go over the mograph color shader and how I use it in conjunction with the fusion shader to make more complex effects. The process is very simple but can be used as the base of many mograph animations. Here we use this setup to dissolve clones and change their colors.

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Tutorial 10: Team Workflow

Joe Clay | Apr 1, 2016

In this tutorial I go over the process that Sev and I use to work smoothly on a project together. This workflow is the evolution of our process that we have found to be the easiest to update and change. It allows us the greatest flexibility to work on sections of projects with the least amount of passing project files back and forth.

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Tutorial 09: Graphs and Text

Joe Clay | Mar 25, 2016

I hope you like the 90s intro. I'm bringing it back. In this tutorial I go over a quick way to make line graphs, bar graphs, and a graphic depiction of text on an icon.

You can also download a project file of this tutorial that contains a version of the text/bar graph that can be modified by just changing the size of the rectangle.

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Tutorial 08: Easy 3D Devices

Joe Clay | Mar 18, 2016

In this tutorial, I go over a technique I use to animate 3D Devices that are super quick to make in Cinema and super easy change in After Effects. We use a sweet, free plugin from Cineversity to speed up the process of creating a 3D object that fits our Illustrator files exactly.

I also mention the excellent Explode Shape Layers script by Zack Lovatt, available at aescripts.

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Tutorial 07: Single Layer Track Mattes

Joe Clay | Mar 11, 2016

In this tutorial I go over a quick an easy way to mimic the functionality of track mattes using masks and the pan behind tool on a single layer. I also imitate Andrew Kramer's Video Copilot intro. My apologies to Andrew Kramer. Much love and respect to that guy.

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Tutorial 06: Pie Charts

Joe Clay | Mar 4, 2016

This is a quick tutorial to show you how you can make pie charts with more flexible settings than just using radial wipe. Also, I ran into a bug where if you put radial wipe in a precomp it can pick a different effect center when you have that precomp continuously rasterize. So this also bypasses that issue altogether. Thanks! If there's anything else you'd like me to go over, leave a note in the comments below.

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Tutorial 05: Sliders and Presets

Joe Clay | Feb 26, 2016

In this tutorial we go over making presets with sliders that allow you to change properties of the animations. We also go over range mapping by keying properties from 0 to 1 and multiplying them by a slider value. At 7:30 we start to go over how to make a preset out of everything we've done. At that point we run into a few bugs and some issues. This tutorial runs long since I left those in because they're all likely situations you'll also run into. Thanks for checking it out, and if you have any questions, you can ask them in the new comment form below!

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Tutorial 04: Quick Displacement Maps

Joe Clay | Feb 19, 2016

Here's a quick tutorial to show you how to make a super quick displacement map. A similar displacement map was used to make the intro for the Workbench tutorials. If you need a glitchy effect, this technique is perfect for that.

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Tutorial 03: Blobs

Joe Clay | Feb 7, 2016

This is a quick tutorial to show you how you can make layers blob together.

Grab the Project Files

Feel free to download the project file that you can use in your own projects!

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If you'd like to help support Workbench, check out our Patreon page. For $5 a month, you get access to all of the tutorial project files we've made available as well as other monthly projects, rigs, R&D, elements, early product previews, and BTS content not available anywhere else!

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Tutorial 02: Radial Delay

Joe Clay | Feb 4, 2016

Here's an expression I came up with to delay layers based on their distance from the center. This causes a delay to ripple through the layers in a comp. The concept behind the expression and the expression below are explained in the tutorial video. I've also made a script that will sequence the layers using a similar bit of math. It renders quicker than the expression. Check it out as well—Radial Delay Script.

//Apply to Time Remap
pos = transform.position;
delay = -1; //in seconds
x = Math.pow(pos[0]-960,2);
y = Math.pow(pos[1]-540,2);
d = Math.sqrt(x+y);
value + linear(d,0,1102,0,delay);

To change the delay to frames instead of seconds use this:

delay = -10*thisComp.frameDuration;

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