In this week's Cinema 4D tutorial, we explore the X-Particles cloth engine. We go through the setup to pull parametric cloth through a hole. Then we look at the setup for a dynamic tearing effect.
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This week, we look at a technique for splitting up parts of a precomp using a luma matte. This basically makes a puzzle out of it which allows us to animate each section step by step to produce a mechanical-style animation. And since we built it entirely from one precomp, we're able to put whatever we want in there and keep the same animation.
This can be expanded further using Master Properties so that you can more easily make multiple comps. You could even use Master Properties to make variations of the procedural effect itself so that no two animations are exactly the same. Linking all of the text to Master Properties and building the full look of the example are handled in the BTS available for patrons.
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In this week's Cinema 4D tutorial, we use X-Particles, dynamics, and Voronoi fracture to create a logo reveal.
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This week, inspired by Kyle Hamrick's #textperiments on twitter, we explore using noise() for randomization within text animators. Unlike traditional randomization like the Wiggly Selector, using noise() allows us to keep the randomization of nearby elements similar—sort of like the Noise effect versus the Fractal Noise effect.
With this technique, we can get really interesting movement and reveals—especially when combined with the range selector. You can expand on this technique by using more graphical characters, custom fonts, and even icon fonts so, as always, I encourage you to experiment. We've only scratched the surface in this tutorial.
Make sure to check out Tutorial 34, 35, and 36 for more information on the Expression Selector.
Expression Code
Here's an expression for 1D noise.
x = textIndex + time/thisComp.frameDuration;
x *=effect("Noise Scale")("Slider");noise(x)*100;
Here's an expression for 2D noise linked to three sliders named Noise Scale, Speed, and Scale. I added in the variable n so that you can quickly modify the number of characters in a row.
n =3;//change to number of characters per row
y = Math.floor(textIndex/n);
x = textIndex % n;if(x ==0){
x = n;
y -=1;}
speed = time/thisComp.frameDuration *effect("Speed")("Slider");
x += speed;
y += speed;
x *=effect("Noise Scale")("Slider");
y *=effect("Noise Scale")("Slider");noise([x,y])*effect("Scale")("Slider");
To incorporate another range, or possibly even another expression selector, modify the final line to look like this. It is important to divide the selectorValue by 100 because we want to use it as a percentage to scale the final result.
To reverse the noise direction, before doing anything else subtract like this. We'll set that to a variable i just in case we need to use it in more than one place.
i = textTotal - textIndex;
That way you can use i like so:
//2D noise
x = i % n;
y = Math.floor(i/n);// 1D noise
x = i + time/thisComp.frameDuration;
Then you can get fancy and make a checkbox to reverse the direction by changing the value of i. There's a lot that can be done. Experiment! This technique goes way deeper than I've explored in this video, so I hope you can take these examples and build on them!
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This week, we take advantage of 3D tracking in Cinema 4D to match move a shot and reconstruct the scene using free map data. Then we set up an X-Particles animation based on the city model.
Finally, we composite it together in After effects.
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This week, we explore the use of the collision deformer to create and animate a stamped effect using Cinema 4d R20. This tool can also be used to create a quick cloth look that is useful in a pinch.
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This week, I show you how to link two wipes together so that you can leave a gap between them that can be treated for interesting effects. You can use the line to recolor an edge of text as it wipes on. You can use it to matte glows, blurs, or anything. Combine it with displacement to rough up the edge. There's a ton that can be done with this effect. This tutorial just shows you the basic idea. It's up to you to exploit it.
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This week, I was inspired by this interesting procedural animation on Reddit by u/key_framed. It made me think about making an entire animation using nothing but text and effects. So, as I always encourage you guys to do, I experimented within those constraints to see what I could come up with. As always, this only scratches the surface of what's possible.
I hope you guys go out and take it farther. The grid setups could work well with our previous AE tutorial, Tutorial 152: Procedural Circuitry.
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This week, we explore two techniques to make a realistic neon tube using splines. We've built one with an incandescent material and the other uses the geometry itself as a light. We're using Redshift to render this scene and we show you how to set up the materials.
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This week we make procedurally generated circuitry. The technique relies on using a transparent image that we stroke. Then we add mosaic to block it up. Using master properties, we make a comp that can generate different blocky mattes so that different PCB (printed circuit board) styled layers can show through using CC Glass to give them some dimension.
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